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Thor: Savage Crows MC Book 7 Page 8

  The surgeon let me mull over his words before he spoke again. “Do you have any questions for me?” He asked.

  I silently shook my head. Fuck, she had survived, but at a high cost. That bullet had taken so much from her.

  Dr. Hall stood to his feet. “In that case, I’ll take you to go see her. She should be waking within the next couple of hours.” He informed me.

  I’m so sorry that I didn’t fucking protect you, sweetheart.

  Four Months Later

  Thor flashed me a grin from where he was standing with the rest of the Savage Crows’ men around the grill. We were currently at the town festival, and the club had volunteered to sell hamburgers and hot dogs to help raise money for a local women’s shelter. “So, Alex and I have been talking.” Trixie started as she handed a boy a wrapped-up hot dog, giving him a warm smile as he did so. He loudly thanked her before he dashed off to go back to the rest of his friends.

  “About?” I asked her, taking the dollar from the little girl in front of me and handing her a wrapped-up hot dog with a small smile, a pang hitting my chest as I did so.

  Turns out, I still would have had a chance to have kids, though it would be a huge struggle. But that was before I got shot.

  Now, there was zero chance. I would never have children of my own.

  “You and Thor.” She informed me.

  I arched an eyebrow at her as I swept my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head, hating that the strands were beginning to stick to my neck from sweat. “What about us?” I asked her.

  “We know you and Thor eventually want kids.” She began. I swallowed thickly, turning away from her. It was still an extremely touchy subject for me. Even if I wanted to use a surrogate, I couldn’t. I had no ovaries – no eggs.

  I shrugged, ignoring the second small pang in my chest at the reminder that I would never be able to carry my own child – that I would never be able to have my own child at all. Though Thor and I had both agreed to just adopt a child when we were ready, it still didn’t hurt any less that I wouldn’t be able to have the experience of carrying a baby or at least holding my own baby.

  “We’re going to adopt.” I reminded her. “We just need to be married first.”

  “What if you didn’t have to?” She asked as she turned to face me.

  My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “What are you talking about, Trixie?” I demanded. “There’s no hope for me. I’ll never be able to carry a baby. I don’t have a fucking uterus. I don’t even have eggs.” I bitterly reminded her.

  She sighed. “What if I offered to be your surrogate?” She asked me.

  I stared at her blankly for a moment, not sure what to make of her question. Didn’t she just hear me? “What do you mean my surrogate?” I asked her finally. “I just said that I don’t have any eggs, Trixie.”

  “Exactly what I said.” She told me with a shrug as she made a hamburger from an older gentleman. She handed it to him with a smile before focusing her attention back on me. “You and Thor can still have your own child, but I’ll just carry it for you two. Alex and I pulled some strings, and they were able to preserve some of your eggs.”

  Tears instantly welled up in my eyes, my throat closing up with tears. My hands shook. “Trixie, I can’t ask you to do that for me.” I croaked. A tear slid down my cheek. “Oh, God, Trixie, you – you—” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. I was so overwhelmed.

  This woman in front of me was so damn selfless and thoughtful. She had immediately thought of me wanting kids in the future and had my eggs saved.

  She shrugged. “You’re not asking me.” She replied. “I’m offering. And I’m perfectly capable of carrying your child for you. I went through all of the tests before I brought this matter to your attention. I didn’t want to give you false hope.”

  My eyes swam with tears and slowly trickled down my cheeks. “Trixie -” I choked out, but I couldn’t complete my sentence as a sob ripped from my throat.

  She wrapped her arms around me. “Shh.” She soothed. I tightly wrapped my arms around her in return, my shoulders shaking. “I want to do this for you guys. You both deserve to be parents. If you still want to adopt, there’s nothing wrong with that, and I won’t be angry. I just thought that I could do this for you.”

  “What the fuck happened?” Thor demanded as he pulled me away from Trixie and wrapped his muscular arms around me, holding me tightly against him. Another sob ripped from my throat as I clutched his cut in my fists, anchoring myself to him.

  “I offered to be a surrogate for you guys,” Trixie informed him as Alex walked up and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Alex and I pulled some strings and had her eggs preserved.”

  “What?” Thor demanded, sounding as shocked as I had felt when she had mentioned it to me.

  “Exactly what she said, brother,” Alex said. I stepped back from Thor and swiped at my cheeks. Trixie gave me a small smile. “Trixie and I have been talking about this for you guys for a minute now – ever since Trixie found out that most of your reproductive organs had been destroyed,” Alex said, looking at me. “She’s gone through all the tests. She’s ready to carry a baby for you two if you’d like her to.”

  I hugged Trixie again, so overwhelmed, but so damn thankful for her. “This is the best thing ever,” I whispered. “Thank you so much.”

  She hugged me back instantly. “Don’t mention it.” She assured me.

  I watched Thor through the mirror as he stepped into the bathroom with me, moving up behind me, his massive frame dwarfing mine. He nuzzled my neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “You’re teasing me.” He grumbled into my neck.

  I laughed softly. “How in the world am I teasing you, Thor?” I asked as I settled my hands over his muscular forearms.

  He pressed a kiss to the curve of my neck that had me moaning softly as I tilted my head to the side to grant him more access to the skin of my neck. “You’re half-naked, sweetheart.” He groaned. “How is that not teasing me?”

  I laughed. “Thor, I’m wearing panties and a t-shirt. I’d hardly call that half-naked.”

  He slid his large, calloused hands under the t-shirt that fell to my mid-thigh and moved them slowly up my thighs until he reached my scarred belly. I tensed slightly. “Shh. Relax, Lex.” He soothed as he drew me tighter against him, pressing my ass against his dick.

  I rubbed my ass over his erection, unable to help myself. He growled lowly and quickly slid a hand between my legs, cupping my core. I gasped his name as I gripped the edge of the counter, my shocked eyes flashing up to the mirror. Our eyes clashed, and he smirked wickedly.

  “Shirt off.” He commanded in a whisper.

  Nervously, I gripped the hem of the shirt I was wearing and pulled it over my head, tossing it to the side. Thor slid his hands down my body, beginning from my shoulders. My body shuddered in response to his touch, and he kept his eyes locked on mine in the mirror, letting me see the lust swirling in his eyes.

  It never ceased to amaze me that he still wanted me despite my size, despite all of the scars covering my abdomen now.

  “Thor!” I exclaimed when he suddenly ripped my panties off of me.

  “You’re mine now, sweetheart.” He grumbled as he pulled my hips backward.

  I clutched the counter for support, my body quivering for him in anticipation. I was so wet for him that I could feel my thighs getting slick. He rubbed the head of his cock against my entrance, and I whimpered with need, pushing back, doing my best to try to get him to go inside.

  “Fuck, Lex, you’re so wet.” Thor groaned.

  “Just for you.” I gasped out.

  A low rumble escaped from his chest. “Only for me.” He growled.

  He thrust deep inside of me, and with an almost bruising grip on my hips, he thoroughly fucked me until my legs gave out beneath me.

  Alex sat beside me with a bottle of Vodka and a shot glass. I arched an eyebrow at him. He narrowed his eyes at me. “Don’t fucking judge.�
�� He snapped at me. “I have another eleven days to go before I can fuck Trixie into oblivion. I’m not a fucking happy camper at the moment.”

  I smirked at him, amused at his situation. “You two were the ones that volunteered to do this.” I reminded him.

  A few days ago, Trixie had gone to the doctor with Lex, and she had gone through the in-vitro fertilization. Now, she couldn’t have sex for a full fourteen days to give her body time to begin making the hormone. In fourteen days, she would take a pregnancy test, and it would tell us if we had succeeded the first time.

  He narrowed his eyes at me in a warning. “I’m a deprived man, Thor. Don’t test me right now.” I only laughed, though I understood his pain. If I had to go a while without having sex with Lex, I might lose my fucking mind.

  Hatchet sat on the other side of me and arched an eyebrow at Alex. Alex was pouring himself a shot of Vodka, and he threw it back, his face not even changing as the liquor burned down his throat. “Rough times, brother?” Hatchet asked.

  I was honestly surprised that Hatchet was here, but Layla was slowly but surely recovering. It was going to be an extremely long road for her. Usually Scorpion and Grave took turns with Matthew and Lillian so Hatchet could stay his nights with Layla at the hospital. But he had also been slowly coming around more, so I guess that meant she was doing a little bit better.

  And from what I understood, as soon as she was doing mostly okay, she would begin therapy to work through her shit, to figure what had gone wrong to make her abuse her son.

  Hatchet just didn’t like talking about Layla much, and I understood it. He felt like he had failed his wife in more ways than one.

  Alex grunted. “Like you wouldn’t fucking believe.” He answered Hatchet.

  I looked up at Lex as she served Ghost’s Sergeant at Arms – Collin – a drink. He winked at her as he grabbed the drink from the bar. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t kill my man, brother.” Ghost said as he plopped into the last chair at the table. “Kind of need our SA.”

  “Make them aware that she’s fucking taken, then.” I snapped at him.

  Ghost chuckled. “They know, brother; I promise. Collin is just always extra nice with the ladies. Trust me, he won’t ever make a real move on a woman that’s taken, though. You’ve got my word on that one.”

  “Where’s Jessa and Judge?” I asked him.

  “Upstairs with Ryan.” He told me. “Jessa isn’t feeling good, so Judge is taking care of her – told me that he had her and to come downstairs and hang with you guys for a while.”

  “Still remember you giving us all so much shit and claiming you never wanted an old lady,” Hatchet remarked, drawing my eyes to him. I groaned. Here we went with this shit again. “Told you that you would change your mind one day.”

  I shrugged. “Can’t even deny it,” I admitted, just wanting the subject to drop. “I never did want an old lady – not until I laid my eyes on her.”

  Ink strode up and dragged a chair over, straddling the chair as he leaned his arms on the back of it. “Are we discussing Thor’s hatred of having an old lady?” He asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Not you, too, Ink,” I grumbled.

  “You gave me so much shit, Thor, for being the first man in the club to claim a woman. I will never let you live this shit down. I don’t give a fuck how long you and Lex are together. I’ll always remind you of the days you gave us shit for deciding to settle down.”

  Reina walked over and handed Ink a beer, saving me from having to respond. He grabbed her wrist before she could walk away again and drew her back towards him. “You good?” He asked her.

  She nodded at him with a small smile. “I’m fine, Ink.” She assured him.

  He stood up and wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, drawing her in for a kiss. “Good. Be careful, sweet girl.” He ordered.

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Ink, it’s not the first time I’ve been pregnant.” She reminded him.

  We all stared at her incredulously. “Wait, I’m going to be an uncle again?” Ghost demanded.

  Reina blushed as Ink grinned. “Hell yes, brother. Been trying to get this woman to agree to have another baby with me ever since Elijah was born, and I finally got her to agree. Got her knocked up as fast as fucking possible.”

  Alex barked out a laugh as I grinned. Ghost stood up and wrapped his little sister up in a hug. “Congrats, Sis.”

  “Thanks, Ghost.” She replied as she hugged him back, his massive frame practically swallowing her. It was actually nice to see Ghost and Reina like this considering when she had first come back to Hope, Ghost had hated her for abandoning their family and for running off with the one man everyone warned her against.

  I watched Lex as she and Trixie moved to the makeshift dance floor and began twisting their hips to the beat. Fuck, Lex could move. Obviously, she’d had a bit to drink because I knew her well enough to know she would never get up and dance sober.

  But Trixie? This used to be normal for her. I had no doubt in my mind that she got Lex just a tiny bit drunk so she would loosen up and have fun with her.

  “Fuck, that’s the last goddamn thing I need.” Alex groaned as he poured himself another shot. “She’s on a mission to drive me and my dick to madness.”

  I laughed as Ink stared at Alex in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about, Alex?” Ink demanded.

  Alex gestured his bottle in the direction of his wife. “Trixie. We can’t fuck for eleven more goddamn days, and that woman has been using it to her advantage to drive me to the point of madness because I can’t do anything about it.”

  “The fuck? Why not?” Ghost asked.

  “Trixie just went through IVF,” I explained. At their lost looks, I further explained. “In-vitro fertilization. In other terms, a doctor just put my sperm and Lex’s egg inside of Trixie. She’s trying to carry our baby for us.”

  “Holy shit.” Hatchet breathed, his eyes wide with shock.

  “Jesus, brother. That sucks.” Ink said. I narrowed my eyes at him. He rolled his eyes at me. “Not you, Thor. I’m talking about Alex. He can’t have sex with his wife because of this. That’s got to really fucking suck.”

  Alex grunted. “Wouldn’t be so damn hard if that woman would stop teasing me every chance she gets.”

  Grave walked up to the table. “What’d I miss?” He asked, dragging a chair over and plopping down into it.

  I shook my head at the same time Ink said, “Trixie is going to try to have Thor’s baby.”

  “What?” Grave asked in confusion. I barked out a laugh. This shit could actually be comical.

  Alex narrowed his eyes at our Road Captain. “Not just Thor’s baby.” Alex snapped as he pointed his finger at a grinning Ink, knowing he had just gotten under Alex’s skin. “It’s Lex’s, too.”

  “Oh, that’s cool. She going to be a surrogate?” Grave asked, catching on. He smiled over at Alex’s old lady. Grave had always had a soft spot for her, but more in a brotherly way.

  “Yeah,” I responded.

  “Daddy!” Alexandra yelled as she came running down the stairs, her face twisted with anger. That girl was a fucking spitfire. “Matthew is being mean!”

  Alex sighed as he turned to face his daughter. “What did he do, Princess?”

  “He said I’m ugly!” She wailed, tears now sliding down her cheeks, her eyes flashing with hurt.

  Alex narrowed his eyes at Hatchet as if this was all Hatchet’s fault before he lifted Alexandra onto his lap. “You’re the prettiest little girl I know,” Alex assured his daughter. “Daddy’s princess, remember? And what are princesses?”

  “Beautiful.” She replied as she swiped at her cheeks, wiping away her tears.

  “That’s right.” He told her. “Don’t ever let anybody tell you differently, you got me? You’re beautiful. Now, you go upstairs and put Matthew in his place like Daddy’s strong, little girl.”

  She jumped down from his lap and dashed back up the stairs, screaming Matth
ew’s name as she did so. I grinned at Alex. “You did a one-eighty so fucking fast it gave me whiplash.” I teased.

  He shrugged. “When you’re surrounded by nothing but girls, you tend to do that.” He admitted. “I think their mood swings are beginning to rub off on me.”

  Lex suddenly stumbled over to me and drunkenly landed on my lap. I caught her just in time before she slid off my lap and onto the floor, hauling her body up close to mine. She leaned her head on my shoulder as she shut her eyes. “I feel heavy.” She slurred.

  I laughed softly as I pressed my lips to her temple. “How much did you drink?” I asked her.