Ruined: An MC Romance Novel (Ruined Series Book 1) Read online

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  “I had to get away,” I told him quietly, knowing he would understand. Joey sighed, a frown tugging at his lips.

  “Getting away almost got you killed, Addy,” Tristan spoke up. I looked up at him. His arms were crossed over his broad chest, making the muscles in them bulge a bit. Joey rested a hand on my knee and gave it a gentle squeeze – a silent reminder that Tristan wouldn’t understand.

  He didn’t know the woman I was now.

  “You told me you were going to sleep after you got a shower.” Tristan reminded me, an accusation in his tone.

  I shrugged. “You should learn that what comes out of my mouth usually can’t be trusted.” I snarkily retorted, not being able to help but piss him off further.

  “I should have fucking known you wouldn’t have rested after blacking out like that,” Joey grumbled. I slowly looked over at him. His eyes were tender and understanding as he met my eyes, but there was slight anger in their depths as well. “But Adelaide, you can’t just run off like that without at least letting someone know. What if Vin had been able to catch you? We might not have been able to save you in time.”

  I sighed. “I got it,” I grumbled. “I fucking got it.”

  Before Joey could respond, I heard gun shots ring out around us. Tristan cursed as he dropped down to the ground beside me, him and Joey pulling guns out of their cuts at the same time. Tristan wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me close to him. “Can you use a gun?” He asked me.

  I nodded in answer to him. He thrust a pistol into my hand and pressed his lips to my forehead – the part that wasn’t bleeding. Despite the dangerous situation we were in, my heart fluttered in my chest. “If someone that’s not one of my men or Joey’s men comes near you, fucking shoot them.” He harshly ordered.

  I watched as Tristan inched around the car, crouching at the hood. He started firing back, Joey right beside him. I kept my eyes trained on the area surrounding me. Soon, the gun shots died down, and I heard cars tear off of the lot, giving up for now. Tristan stood up and came over to me. “You alright?” He asked me.

  I nodded, pushing myself up off of the ground. “Vin?” I guessed.

  Tristan nodded in answer to my question. Joey came over to me. “You need to get in that clubhouse.” He instructed me, his eyes hard, still in his President mode. I clenched my jaw. “I’ll get one of the men to get your car over to the garage to get fixed.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “You know no one works on my car besides me, Joey.” I snarled at him.

  He stepped towards me, our toes touching as he towered over me, his eyes narrowing down at me. I tilted my chin up at him defiantly. “Get the fuck over it.” He snarled at me. I bristled. Joey was worried about me, and he was itching for a fight. “Twice in the past ten fucking minutes, your life has been jeopardized. Get your fucking ass in that goddamn clubhouse!” He barked down at me, pointing his finger in the direction of the clubhouse.

  I spit in his face. He slowly closed his eyes and stepped back from me, using his shirt to wipe my spit off of his face. “You better watch who the fuck you’re talking to.” I snarled at him. “In case you’ve fucking forgotten, I still hold a goddamn gun in my hand.”

  He opened his eyes and arched an eyebrow at me, anger flaring in his eyes. “You threatening me, pretty girl?” He asked me, his tone low and dangerous – the true, terrifying criminal within him coming to the surface.

  I stepped up to him, glaring up into his handsome face. I wasn’t afraid of Joey. He knew that. “I’m making a promise.” I seethed. “If you ever talk to me again like you just did, I will fucking shoot you, understand? I’m not one of your goddamn men.”

  “Get the fuck out of my sight.” He snarled.

  Tristan gripped my arm and pulled me back from Joey when I reached up to jab my finger into his chest, ready to spew some more shit at him. “Come on,” Tristan told me, trying to deescalate the situation. “You both need to calm down.”

  “Don’t tell me what the fuck I need to do.” I snarled up at him, ripping my arm from his grip.

  He gripped my upper arms and snatched me against his hard, muscular frame, glaring down at me. I swallowed hard. I still wasn’t used to this side of Tristan. “I’m not Joey, Addy. Watch yourself.” He snapped at me.

  I let a careless smirk twist my lips. “You going to hit me, Tristan?” I asked him – almost taunting him.

  He leaned his head down so his lips brushed against my ear. I shivered, my breath hitching in my throat as my eyes closed. Oh, God, what the fuck was he doing to me? “I’m not that kind of man, Addy, but I will throw you over my shoulder, drag you into your room, and fuck you senseless.” He breathed into my ear.

  My eyes snapped open as white-hot desire rippled straight down to my core. He leaned back up and reached up with one of his hands to brush the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip. My breath hitched in my throat. “Got it?” He asked.

  I wordlessly nodded my head, currently lost for words.

  ■ ■ ■

  I silently watched as Tristan leaned his muscular body over the pool table with his cue stick in his hand, getting ready to break the triangle of balls on the table. I couldn’t help but let my eyes linger on his ass for a moment.

  For a man, he really was gifted with a great, toned ass. It was the kind you wanted to sink your nails into – or hell, even your teeth.

  “You stare at that man any harder, gorgeous, and you’ll burn holes into his ass,” Jessie commented as she leaned over the bar to hand me another beer.

  Dragging my eyes away from Tristan, I turned my head to smirk at her. “At least this way I can check him out without him trying to fuck me every time I turn around.” I retorted. She released a loud laugh. “It’s been three years since I’ve seen him, much less been with him like that.” I reminded her. “I don’t exactly know how to deal with him.” A soft frown pulled at her lips as her eyes filled with concern for me. “He’s ten times cockier than he was when we were eighteen.”

  Jessie sighed. “Maybe that’s a good thing, gorgeous. You need some sexiness like him in your life again.” She told me, trying her best to lighten the mood again.

  I pursed my lips. “I don’t know. I think I’ve got enough of that in my life with your brother.”

  Jessie snorted. “Look, I know Joey is my brother and all, but you don’t react to him the way you react to Tristan. That man comes within five feet of you, and everyone around you can see just how much he affects you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “He does not -” I started, but I cut myself off, my anger roaring through my veins when I saw Lacie – one of the club women – saunter up to Tristan and press herself against him, a flirty smile on her lips.

  “Oh, he doesn’t affect you, hm?” Jessie asked me, a knowing smirk on her lips.

  I ignored her as I guzzled half of my beer down as I watched him smirk down at her and whisper something into her ear that had her blushing and giggling. I clenched my jaw. “Two can play at this fucking game.” I snarled, getting up from my stool.

  Worry for me flashed in Jessie’s eyes. “Don’t do anything stupid, Adelaide.”

  I only shot her a smirk before I turned around to go to the pool table, sliding up to Joey’s side. I could feel Tristan’s eyes on me, but I completely ignored him as I smiled up at Joey. “I’m sorry about earlier,” I murmured. I knew I was trying to make Tristan feel what I was feeling, but I did mean those words to Joey. I truly was sorry.

  Joey gave me a soft smile as he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my jaw. “I know, pretty girl. We were both pissed at each other. I’m sorry, too.” He apologized.

  This was one of the things I loved about Joey. He knew he had his faults, and he wasn’t afraid to admit that he had fucked up with me, just as I wasn’t afraid to apologize to him when I acted like a class-A bitch.

  I splayed my hands over his muscular chest, looking up at him from under my lashes. “Makeup sex?” I asked him softly.

  He smirke
d, his eyes flaring with his need for me. “I’ll never turn that down, pretty girl.” He thrust his pool stick at Charles. “Charles is taking my place.” He announced to Tristan. “I’ve got something to tend to.”

  I could feel Tristan’s glare on my back as I laced my fingers through Joey’s and tugged him towards his room, but I didn’t give a fuck. I might have originally started out wanting to piss Tristan off, but now, I wanted Joey.

  I wanted that normalcy I’d always had with him, and I knew Joey would give that to me – would take care of me like I needed.

  Joey would always be the one man that I knew I could rely on in my time of need.

  ■ ■ ■


  I gently pushed the blonde woman away from me, clenching my jaw as I watched Adelaide disappear down the hall into one of the rooms with Joey. I wanted to rush after them and fucking rip him away from her – bash his fucking face into my knee.

  The blonde pouted up at me. “Tristan.” She whined.

  I was so sick of club women. The only fucking woman I wanted was Adelaide, and she didn’t fucking want me.

  Every rejection from her cut me deep.

  “No.” I snapped at the blonde, not able to control my temper. She flinched back from me, her eyes widening with fear. “I’m not fucking interested. Go fuck someone else.” I snarled.

  She glared up at me as she recovered from her shock. “Getting tangled up with Adelaide will only get you killed.” She spit up at me.

  This girl was treading on dangerous fucking waters. She had no fucking clue what kind of woman Adelaide was.

  Do you even know who she is? My mind snapped back at me.

  I stepped towards the blonde, my eyes narrowing dangerously at her. Her face paled, and she quickly stepped back from me. I could see her pulse jumping erratically at the base of her neck in fear. “Unless you’ve got something nice to say about Adelaide, I’d advise you to keep your fucking mouth shut.” I quietly warned her, my voice deadly and frightening – a clear warning that talking shit about Adelaide was off fucking limits.

  I turned on my heel and stormed over to the bar, not interested in playing pool anymore. Jessie arched an eyebrow at me as I plopped onto one of the bar stools, a scowl settled over my features. “Something strong?” She guessed.

  Wordlessly, I nodded. She grabbed a glass and filled it with ice, pouring hundred proof vodka into the glass afterward. I caught the glass as she slid it towards me, the ice making a clanking sound in the glass. “If it makes you feel any better, she only went to fuck my brother to make you jealous,” Jessie informed me as she raised her dark eyes to meet mine.

  I arched an eyebrow at her. “Who said I give a shit about Adelaide?” I retorted.

  Jessie smirked and leaned forward on the bar, propping her chin up on her hand. “It’s written all over your face, sweetie.” She told me. She leaned back up and shrugged. “Adelaide saw you with Lacie, and she got pissed.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose with a rough sigh. Most of the time, I didn’t know how to even begin to deal with Addy. She was so different from the girl I fell in love with so many years ago. I missed the old her so fucking much – missed the girl who was sweet and kept me grounded.

  Adelaide now? She was wild – untamed – and completely fucking dangerous.

  “I love that woman more than I should.” I grumpily admitted, swallowing some of the Vodka in the glass, not even making a face as the alcohol burned down my throat.

  Jessie shrugged. “I could see the love you have for her when you laid your eyes on her the night of her birthday party,” Jessie told me. I grunted. “But I’m going to warn you now that Adelaide has been through some shit, and she doesn’t love easily anymore. Not after what you did to her, and especially not after your sister died.” She informed me. I couldn’t hold in my flinch. The loss of my twin sister was still fresh.

  “When Helene lost her fight to cancer, it seemed like Adelaide lost the last part of her that made her human. Sometimes, I swear she doesn’t feel anything.” Jessie’s eyes lifted from the bar and met mine. “Well, until you came along, that is.”

  “Helene was always her rock,” I remembered, that familiar sadness ringing through me as I thought of my younger twin sister. She’d been the light of everyone’s life, and she had been Adelaide’s only friend. Growing up in a trap house like Adelaide had, friends were few and far between, and having someone that she could trust was even rarer.

  “Look, I love my brother to death,” Jessie informed me, “but I’m going to be honest with you here. I love Adelaide – she’s like the sister I’ve never had, and I want what’s best for her. She and my brother are toxic as fuck together, but he also knows how to keep her grounded – keep her alive. If it weren’t for Joey always bringing out that fire in Adelaide, I’m not even sure she would be alive today.” I swallowed thickly. “But Adelaide also needs someone to bring her out of that fucking hole she’s in, and I know that you can do that if you can just manage to get past that wall that she’s built up against you.”

  “How did she even get like this?” I demanded to know. “She used to be so sweet and innocent.”

  Jessie sighed, and judging by her face, I knew I wasn’t going to like the sound of whatever she said next. “Not going to lie to you, Tristan, it all started with you.” I flinched. “When you broke up with Adelaide on her birthday, Joey met her, and he gave her the freedom that she needed, but he also got her caught up in some fucked up shit to bring her out of her funk. Adelaide was dead inside – you killed a part of her.” Pain lanced through my chest. “The first time I met Adelaide, she and Joey had been together for three months, and she was snorting a line of coke up her nose.”

  I roughly ran a hand down my face, hating myself now more than I ever had before. I had left Adelaide so that I could protect her – had destroyed her heart to keep her safe.

  But I only drove her into the arms of just another form of the devil that I was already trying to protect her from to begin with.

  Fucking hell.

  “Apparently, Adelaide had been doing runs for Joey for a while.” I shook my head in disgust. Women weren’t meant to be a part of this shit. “I met Helene that same day. Your sister had come into the clubhouse to find Adelaide, and she instantly started yelling at Adelaide for snorting that line of coke up her nose. Helene helped her get clean, but your sister wasn’t enough to help your sister heal.”

  “Adelaide told me that Helene got her caught up with Joey – said she even encouraged Adelaide.”

  Jessie shook her head with a bitter laugh. “She thought Joey would be a great rebound guy for Adelaide, but nothing more. She was pissed as hell when she found out that Adelaide was caught up in this life, but by the time Helene found out, Adelaide was already in too deep to get out even if she wanted to. But she didn’t; Adelaide needs this.”

  “Fuck.” I whispered. What the fuck had I done to the sweet, innocent girl that used to be Adelaide?

  “The two years between her eighteenth birthday and Helene’s death, Adelaide seemed normal for the most part after she got clean. She did the runs for Joey, and she fought when she needed extra money.” Jessie released a sad sigh. “But Adelaide lost the last part of herself that kept her sane when Helene lost her fight to cancer on the morning of Adelaide’s birthday.”

  I fucking remembered that day like it was yesterday.

  I had been sitting in my clubhouse, staring at Addy’s picture on the background of my phone, wishing I had everything figured out so that I could go back and claim her as mine again. I had been daydreaming about the day that Adelaide would be mine again.

  Then, I had received a call from the hospital.

  Helene was pronounced dead when paramedics got to her apartment.

  “She won’t celebrate her birthday anymore, Tristan,” Jessie informed me.

  I swallowed hard. “I can guess why,” I muttered. Not only had Helene passed away on her birthday, but I had destroyed her.

  I wouldn’t want to celebrate my birthday either after that kind of luck.

  “She was so happy when she got up that morning and drove over to Helene’s apartment. I was with her.” Jessie told me. I swallowed thickly as I stared down at the bar. I knew this was shit I needed to hear – needed to know if I wanted any chance of understanding Adelaide any better – but it sure as fuck didn’t make it any easier to know. “We were all going to go shopping, eat out, and party our hearts out at a club that night, but when we got there, Helene wasn’t responding to the knocks on her door.”

  I swallowed hard. “Don’t tell me,” I whispered.

  “Adelaide unlocked the door and found her on the couch, but Helene was already gone.” Jessie continued. “I called 9-1-1, and Joey had to come to get Adelaide because she was losing her fucking mind. She was screaming and crying, not making any sense. I didn’t know how to help her.” Jessie drew in a deep breath. “Joey saved her that day. She was ready to end her life to be with Helene.”