Ruined: An MC Romance Novel (Ruined Series Book 1) Page 28
Fuck. When would this damn event be over?
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I stepped into the bathroom after laying Axel down in his crib, letting my eyes run over Adelaide’s naked figure under the water in the shower. Her breasts had gotten bigger, and they seemed to increase in size the bigger her belly got. Her hips were also widening slowly, growing in size to accommodate Jaxon.
She continued to look even more beautiful every single day. I loved watching her body grow and change to accommodate our baby.
I pulled my clothes off and stepped into the shower with her, watching as she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me, her beautiful, dark eyes locking on mine. She ran her eyes over my body, and she slowly licked her lips, making me groan slightly.
This woman was fucking insatiable, but I didn’t mind. I enjoyed every moment of pleasing her perfect body.
I reached out and drew her against me, leaning down to press my lips to hers. She stopped kissing me all too soon, but she began trailing kisses all over my chest, making me close my eyes as I relished in the feeling of her lips moving over my body.
I released a low growl and closed my eyes as I felt her palm my cock, her lips following soon after. “Fuck!” I moaned, throwing my head back against the wall of the shower as she began giving me the best fucking head of my entire life. Her tongue slid along the underside of my cock before she drew me as deep as she could, my cock hitting her tonsils. She didn’t even gag. She fisted the part of my dick that she couldn’t fit into her mouth, working it in tempo with her mouth.
When I felt myself getting close to coming, I pulled back from her and reached down to pull her up from her kneeling position, roughly slanting my lips over hers, yanking her hard up against me. I quickly slipped my hand between her legs and slid a finger between her wet folds. She gasped, moaning loudly. I tightened my arm around her as I watched her face contort with pure bliss as her lips slowly parted as I slid a finger in her slick heat.
Fuck, she was so wet for me.
“Fuck this shower right now,” I grumbled, reaching forward to shut the water off.
I quickly swept her up into my arms and aggressively kissed her as I carried her into the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and came over her, using my arms to keep my body weight off of her as I placed my lips on hers again.
“River, please.” She begged me, her hands running over my body almost frantically.
I lifted one of her legs so it hooked around my hips, and I swiftly entered her. She dug her nails into my back as I pushed in and out of her, being careful not to hurt her, but still managing to fuck her the way she loved to be fucked.
She wanted to feel like I was claiming her as mine all over again.
When we finally came, we came together, and it was a goddamn explosion when we did.
■ ■ ■
Adelaide was passed out next to me despite the sheets and blankets being wet from us having sex without drying off from the shower. Me? I couldn’t sleep on this fucking cold, wet bed. I didn’t know how the fuck Adelaide was managing to.
I shot a text to Sam asking him to have Reina bring some fresh sheets and blankets. I got out of the bed and slid on a pair of sweats and covered Adelaide up with a small throw blanket before I lifted her out of the bed right as Reina lightly knocked on the door.
“Come in.” I gruffly called back.
She stepped into the room, her cheeks flushing red as she quickly figured out the reason the sheets and blankets had to be changed. Sam leaned against the door frame, a smirk tilting his lips.
I just rolled my eyes at my VP. He released a quiet laugh as he shook his head.
Axel began whimpering, and without having to be asked, Sam walked over to him and lifted him from the crib, instantly quieting him since my hands were full with Adelaide. Reina made the bed in record time, and I gently laid Adelaide back down, covering her up with the blanket. Brushing my lips over her forehead, I softly whispered that I loved her before I walked over to Sam. He handed me Axel. “I’ll go make him a bottle,” Reina told me.
“Thanks.” I gruffly told her.
She left the room, and Sam watched her until she disappeared from sight. I just shook my head, hoping he would stop being stupid soon and make his move before one of my other men did.
“Been meaning to ask you a question, Prez,” Sam said quietly as he looked down at Axel. Axel stared back up at him in open curiosity.
“What’s that?” I asked him, grabbing the spit-up cloth from Axel’s changing table to clean his mouth where he had drooled a little.
“When you step down, is Axel or Jaxon getting the president position?” Sam asked me.
“Axel,” I told him. There was no question about it. He may not biologically be my son, but he was the first born of my children, nonetheless. When he was old enough, he’d have an option – leave when he was eighteen to lead a clean, legal life, or stay here and learn how to be a better president than I was.
Sam nodded. “If you raise him to be anything like you and Adelaide, River, he’ll make a fucking damn good president.”
I grunted in agreement. If I had anything to do with it, he would be one of the best damn presidents this club had ever seen.
I crossed my arms over my chest as I stood outside of my clubhouse doors, watching Tristan and Jesup ride onto my lot unannounced. To say that I was pissed that they hadn’t told me they were coming was an understatement.
Anyone could have followed them up here. At least if they had informed me, I could have put up proper safety measures around town and my clubhouse to make sure that they weren’t tailed by anyone.
But no, just as it was always Tristan’s style, he did whatever the fuck he wanted to do without regard to the woman he was supposedly in love with. I was at my goddamn wits end with him.
“What the fuck are they doing here, River?” Sam asked as he stepped up beside me, his eyes narrowed on the two idiots riding onto my lot.
“Fuck if I know,” I answered gruffly. “I had no fucking idea they were riding in,” I informed my VP. I clenched my jaw.
Reina poked her head outside, and I met her eyes coolly, arching a single eyebrow at her in question. She swallowed nervously but kept her gaze on mine. I felt proud of her. She was slowly coming out of her shell, being braver, and I had my woman to thank for Reina finally becoming stronger.
“River, Adelaide just got sick all over the kitchen floor.” She informed me.
“Fuck.” I cursed. I looked at Sam. “Don’t let them into this clubhouse until I come back out to find out what the fuck they’re here for,” I ordered before I turned around and strode into the clubhouse, heading for the kitchen to go take care of my woman.
Adelaide was bent over, dry heaving into the trash can that Reina had probably put in front of her. “Reina, get one of the women to clean this kitchen up, and then make Axel a bottle. It should be almost time for him to eat.” I knelt so that I was at eye level with Adelaide. She looked up at me through teary eyes, breaking my heart. Her face was pale, and she gagged again, squeezing her eyes shut as she did so. “Can you make it to our room if I carry you, Darlin’?” I asked her gently, reaching out to push some of her dark hair behind her ear.
She nodded, slowly standing back up to her full height. She was pale and swaying slightly on her feet, her hand reaching out for me to hold herself upright. I quickly slid my arms under her back and her knees to lift her against my chest, striding out of the kitchen to take her to our bathroom. Her skin was practically on fire, and I knew if I couldn’t get this fever to break soon, I would need to take her to the doctor.
Adelaide hated doctors. Hell, she barely tolerated her OB.
I pressed my lips to her forehead before I sat her down on the closed toilet seat. “Sit right there for a minute,” I told her before I strode back into the bedroom and grabbed some Tylenol for her to take to see if I could get the fever to break. Tylenol was safe for her to take during her pregn
ancy, and I knew if I had to take her to a doctor, this is what they would prescribe her for her fever anyway.
When I strode back into the bathroom, she was leaning her head back against the towel rack behind the toilet, her eyes closed. Sweat trickled down the side of her face. I frowned. Fuck, I hated that she felt like shit. “Adelaide, Darlin’, I need you to take this.” I coaxed as I knelt in front of her.
She slowly opened her eyes, taking the bottle of water I had grabbed and the Tylenol from me. “Do you want to lay in here, or do you want me to put you in bed with a trash can?” I asked her as I soothingly rubbed her belly, feeling Jaxon kick beneath my hand. Adelaide moaned in discomfort, her hand weakly reaching up to wipe the sweat from her face.
Jaxon moved under my hand again, already seeming to know my touch. “Bed.” She grumbled. “Is Axel going to be alright?” She asked.
I lifted her easily, loving that she was such a good mom that she was still worried about him despite how ill she was. “Yes, Darlin’. Reina has him, and I’ll take over from her when I find out why Tristan and Jesup are here.”
She looked up at me tiredly. “They’re here?” She asked, a frown marring her forehead. She didn’t look happy that they were here, and that surprised me. Normally, she would be ecstatic.
Guess after what Tristan did to try to ‘protect’ her, she wasn’t too happy with him.
I nodded, clenching my jaw. This was the last damn thing she needed on top of her being sick. “I’ll come in to check on you in a little while, Darlin’,” I told her as I laid her on the bed. “Try to get some rest,” I instructed as I grabbed the little trash can and set it beside the bed.
“I love you, River.” She mumbled, her words almost incoherent as she snuggled into my pillow, passing out almost immediately.
A small smile touched my lips. “I love you, too, Darlin’.” I softly told her, though I knew she wouldn’t hear me. She was already lightly snoring, her illness making her extremely tired.
When I stepped outside, Tristan and Jesup were standing beside their bikes talking to Sam. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I demanded as I strode up.
All three men turned their eyes to me as I strode across the gravel lot towards them. “We need help,” Tristan told me. “This conversation can’t happen over a phone, and I couldn’t warn you in advance that I was coming. My club is fucking falling apart. I’ve got a rat, and I don’t know who the fuck it is. We were fucking ambushed yesterday on a run – lost three fucking guys. Three days ago, my fucking clubhouse got shot up.”
“They took Zyla.” Jesup interrupted him as he shoved his hands through his hair. He was stressed and tired. Dark circles were imprinted under his eyes, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. “Goddammit, River, even if you don’t decide to help the club, just help me get Zyla back.” He begged me.
I’d always liked Jesup more than Tristan, and if you asked me, I always thought Jesup would have made a better president than Tristan. He was calmer and more collected than Tristan – better at making decisions – and he was damn good at reading people. I also had mad respect for him for keeping his mouth shut even though he figured out with only one look that I had feelings for Adelaide.
“How long has she been missing?” I asked, giving Jesup my undivided attention. I frankly didn’t give a fuck about what Tristan had to say. I would help Jesup because no woman deserved to go through the hell that Zyla was probably going through at that moment.
“She was taken yesterday when we got ambushed. I can’t track her cell phone. Whoever took her left it lying in the club parking lot. Everyone is claiming they didn’t see her get taken. I’m at my wits fucking end, River.” Jesup told me, sounding panicked.
“First, calm the fuck down,” I told Jesup. “Panicking and losing your head isn’t going to get her back home to you.” I reminded him. He drew in a deep breath, nodding his head.
I looked at Sam, and he met my eyes, inclining his head to me, already knowing what I was thinking. I looked at Jesup. “I’m going to make some phone calls – see what I can find out. Give me three hours, and then we’ll ride out of here back to your territory. I’ll see what I can find out there.” I told him.
“And do what with Adelaide?” Tristan demanded, finally speaking up, though I was enjoying his silence.
My eyes flashed with anger that he had the fucking audacity to question me about my woman – overstepping my boundaries about her. Only Joey had that privilege, but that was because he really did put her first, and he held her together – breathed life into her so she could live for me.
“Don’t worry about what I do with my woman, Grim.” I snapped. His eyes flashed dangerously at me, but I didn’t give a fuck. “She’s not your fucking concern anymore.”
I turned on my heel and strode into the clubhouse. Reina was holding Axel in her arms as he played with a lock of her hair. “You,” I told her as I walked up. She snapped her eyes up to me. “I need you to take care of Axel until Adelaide gets better. I’ve got to ride out in a few hours – don’t know when I’ll be back.” I warned her. “Adelaide is sick as fuck. She’s not capable of taking care of him right now.”
She nodded in understanding. “I’ll take care of him, River.” She promised.
I nodded at her before I strode down the hall to my room, quietly opening the door so I wouldn’t wake Adelaide up. I quickly packed a small duffel, and once I was done, I strode over to the bed, gently shaking her awake. I didn’t want to disturb her, but I wouldn’t leave without first letting her know where I was going and what was happening. She was my old lady – she needed to know – deserved to know.
She blinked up at me slowly, her tired eyes meeting mine. I ran my fingertips over her cheek, noting that her skin was still hot and clammy, but it wasn’t as bad as before. The medicine was beginning to take effect. “I’ve got to ride out, Darlin’,” I told her quietly.
“Why?” She asked, moving so she was closer to me. I slid my hand over her body, soothing her, wishing I could take her illness away and make it my own.
I ran my hand over her hair. “Zyla is missing,” I informed her. She sucked in a sharp breath of air at the sound of her friend being missing. “Jesup needs my help.”
“Find her, River.” She begged me, those beautiful, exhausted brown eyes locking on my face.
“I will; I promise,” I assured her as I ran my fingertips down her back. “I’m going to call Joey – have him ride in to keep an eye on things around here – keep you and Axel protected while I’m gone.”
She nodded. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to her forehead, thankful that her fever seemed to be breaking. “Get some rest, Darlin’. I love you. Call me if you need me.” I reminded her.
She nodded. “Be careful, River.”
I smiled softly. “Always, Darlin’,” I promised her.
I grabbed my duffel bag off of the floor and strode out of my room, quietly shutting the door behind me. I dropped my duffel at my feet so I could call Joey.
He answered on the first ring, just as I knew he would if I called him. “What’s up?” He asked.
“I need you to ride up here,” I told him. “I have to help Tristan and Jesup. They have someone on the inside ratting to outsiders. They’ve lost three members so far, and now Zyla is missing – been missing since yesterday.”
“Can’t believe you’re helping that fucking asshole,” Joey growled. I released a long sigh. This was why Adelaide was still my woman despite Joey changing. He would have put a bullet in Tristan’s skull a long time ago for the shit he’s done to her. “He does nothing but tear her down, River.”
“She loves him.” I reminded him. Because she loved him, I wouldn’t let myself nor Joey harm Tristan. Even if she gave us the order to, I wouldn’t let us. Because after he’s lying cold and dead in front of her, she would lose a part of herself – the part of herself that had and would always belong to Tristan.
Joey sighed. “I know, and that fucker has no
idea how precious that fucking love is.” That, Joey had right. He didn’t, and he never would. Adelaide didn’t give her love freely, but when she did give it, she loved deep and hard. “Fuck. Yeah, I’ll head up with Ink and a couple more of my men within the next fifteen minutes.”
“Adelaide is sick,” I informed him. Joey muttered a ‘shit’ under his breath. “High fever – throwing up. Reina is taking care of Axel until she’s better. Just keep an eye on her – try to keep her fever broken so I don’t have to haul her in to see a doctor.”
“That woman hates doctors,” Joey grunted. I laughed quietly. At least he knew that as well. “I’ll take care of her, River. You can trust me.” He reminded me.
“I know. That’s why you’re getting this phone call.” I told him. “Shoot me a text when you’ve got your eyes on my woman,” I ordered.