Ruined: An MC Romance Novel (Ruined Series Book 1) Read online

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  I hung up the phone, and set it on the nightstand, pushing my hands through my hair. I didn’t want to tell her this – I really fucking didn’t. I knew that even though she was here with me, she still harbored some feelings for Tristan, and I couldn’t fault her for that. They had a history that happened long before I ever came into the picture.

  But this shit was about to rip her the fuck apart, and I was so goddamn tired of her hurting all of the time. I just wanted her to finally be happy for once.

  I stood up and quietly slipped out of the room, going down the hall to knock on the door of the room that Joey was occupying. I hated to cut his time with her short, but I needed to take her to see Tristan. But first, I needed Joey’s help breaking this news to her. She would need both of us when she found out. This shit was about to break her.

  “What?” Joey grunted as he opened the door, pulling a shirt over his head. He scrubbed his hands down his face, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

  “Tristan’s been shot,” I told him. Joey dropped his hands from his face, looking much more awake now. “Jesup just called me – told me he may be burying Tristan. Doctor says it isn’t looking good for him.”

  “Fuck – Adelaide,” Joey whispered, his mind instantly going in the same direction mine had gone.

  I clenched my jaw, nodding. “This shit’s going to hurt her, Joey, but she’s going to hate me if I don’t tell her. I thought you could help me keep her calm as I break the news to her.”

  He nodded. “Let me get my boots on and grab my cut.” He told me as he opened the door wider, moving towards the bed in the center of the room. He shoved his feet into his boots and snatched up his cut, shrugging it onto his shoulders. He sighed, looking up at the ceiling for a moment. “Not going to be sad to see Tristan go, if I’m honest,” Joey told me bluntly. I grunted in agreement, but I knew losing Tristan would make Adelaide lose a piece of herself. Neither of us wanted that for her.

  “He keeps hurting her, River. Every time I fucking see him, I want to break his neck. He refuses to change for her.” He rolled his shoulders, almost as if he were trying to roll his feelings about Tristan off of him. “Let’s go.” He told me.

  Time to go rip my woman the fuck apart.

  ■ ■ ■

  Joey eased onto the bed beside Adelaide, pain flashing through his eyes for a moment before he smothered it, only showing her the love and happiness that he held for her.

  I gently shook Adelaide awake as I sat on the other side of her, and she blinked up at me slowly, a slow smile curving her luscious lips. “Hi.” She breathed.

  I gently ran my fingertips over her cheek, and her expression instantly fell as she sat up, immediately picking up on my mood. She looked at Joey who was sitting on her other side, and her breathing slightly picked up speed. Joey cupped the side of her neck, locking her eyes on his. “Easy, pretty girl.” He soothed. “Breathe.”

  She looked over at me, swallowing thickly. “River, what’s going on?” She asked me, her voice trembling.

  Fuck, I didn’t want to do this to her; I really fucking didn’t. “Darlin’, Jesup just called me – Tristan has been shot, and his odds of surviving aren’t looking that great.” I gently spoke.

  Her expression was blank for a moment as she processed what I had just told her. Then, her expression quickly fell, tears filling her eyes as her bottom lip trembled. I instantly pulled her onto my lap and cradled her to me as she burst into tears, her pain-filled wail filling my room.

  And my beautiful Adelaide fell apart in my arms.

  Joey grabbed her hands in his, bringing her tear-filled eyes to his. “Tristan is not leaving you, pretty girl.” He soothed. She sobbed. “He’s strong as fuck, and he’s stubborn as hell. This isn’t going to take him out. Breathe.” He coaxed.

  “Darlin’,” I soothed as I gripped her chin, drawing her broken expression up to mine, “live for me,” I begged her. My heart squeezed in my chest as her face scrunched up in pain. “Just live. It’s going to be okay.”

  She whimpered as she squeezed her eyes shut, fucking tearing my heart apart. “Sorry, bro. Kick my ass later.” Joey whispered.

  Before I could question what the fuck he was about to do, he gripped her face in his hands and soothed his lips over hers. She sobbed. “Keep me with you.” He soothed. Her hands fisted in my cut, but she didn’t tear her lips from his. I clenched my jaw but managed to keep my temper in check. She needed him; I hated it, but she needed him. “Just keep me with you, pretty girl. You’ve survived so much shit by holding me with you, so do that. Live for your man and keep me with you.”

  I gritted my teeth as the urge to break his fucking jaw and his fingers so he’d never be able to touch her again pulsed through my veins like hot, scorching lava. But when her whimpers quieted, her eyes falling shut, some of that anger evaporated. I glared at him over her head, though, but he only shrugged at me. “All for her.” He said quietly. I sighed. He pressed his lips to her temple as her cries became a little quieter as well all while she drew herself closer to my body, seeking my comfort. I tightened my arms around her. She only silently cried in my arms as she continued clutching my cut in her fists.

  Joey brushed his hand over her dark hair. “Live for him, pretty girl. Let us handle everything else.”

  ■ ■ ■

  After I had managed to get Adelaide somewhat calm, Joey had left, promising her that he would come back the moment she needed him to. She’d cried as he walked to his bike. It tore me apart to see her want him with her so badly, but I pushed it down. She needed him. He could help her in ways that I couldn’t.

  Because he taught her how to breathe.

  If it hadn’t been for Joey, I wouldn’t have Adelaide now.

  I slowly eased Adelaide’s Nissan Rogue onto the familiar gravel lot of the Sons of Death. I brought the SUV to a stop, looking over at Adelaide who was passed out in the passenger seat of the car as I turned the key in the ignition. Blowing out a soft breath, I looked forward when I noticed someone step out of the clubhouse, my eyes meeting Jesup’s.

  He looked like shit, to put it lightly. He had a lot sitting on his shoulders now that he had to cover for Tristan. On top of that, he was living with the fear that he may be burying the man he’d known his entire life.

  I knew that shit wasn’t easy.

  I slid out of the SUV, quietly shutting the driver’s side door behind me. Jesup walked over to me, his hands stuffed deep in the pockets of his jeans. “The doctor said that I can choose to keep him on life support, or I can just go ahead and pull the plug.” He blew out a harsh breath. “I can’t make that kind of decision for a guy I’ve known for my entire life, River.” He nodded his head towards the SUV. “I figured I would let Adelaide make that decision.”

  I nodded in understanding even though I didn’t like the idea at all. He was putting more pressure on her shoulders. She was dealing with enough shit as it was.

  I walked around to her side and gently opened her door, catching her before she fell out. She snapped her eyes open, locking them on my face. She then looked around her surroundings, her expression falling again, but this time, no tears escaped.

  She was living for me and holding Joey with her. I knew she would show no weakness here, and she was clinging onto everything she could to keep up a brave, strong front.

  It was one of the things that I loved about her. When the world was an absolute shit place for her, she remained strong.

  “Let me out.” She whispered.

  Nodding, I stepped back, moving around to the back seat to grab Axel. As soon as I lifted his car seat out, Adelaide was next to me. “Give him to me.” She quietly ordered.

  I took one look at her face and nodded, realizing that she was going to use Axel to try to keep herself held together. I handed her the car seat and watched her as she walked off into the clubhouse, striding past Tank and Dirk with just a nod of her head.

  She was on the very edge of that cliff, looking down into the dark abys
s. I just hoped that I would be enough to keep her from tipping completely over the edge.

  My heart squeezed in my chest for her.

  I pulled out my phone, shooting a text to Joey, ignoring Jesup who was watching me. I didn’t answer to him anymore, and he knew better than to overstep the boundaries that I had set.

  Made it. -River

  “A kid?” Jesup asked me as I locked my phone, giving him my attention again.

  I shrugged. “Red didn’t want his kid, and the mom passed away in childbirth. Adelaide agreed to take care of him and adopt him before I could even form a proper response in my head, so here we are.” I informed him as I turned and reached into the backseat to grab our duffel bag and the diaper bag.

  “You know, I never imagined you as a domestic kind of man,” Jesup admitted as he walked towards the clubhouse, Sam and Val following closely behind us. “Never would have pictured you doing half the shit you’ve done, actually.”

  I snorted. Yeah, me neither, Jesup.

  But I wouldn’t change my decisions.

  I stepped into the clubhouse, my eyes instantly landing on Adelaide. She was sitting on the couch against the wall, Zyla sitting beside her as they talked quietly while Axel sucked on his bottle, his blue eyes running over his mother’s face.

  “You two can have Adelaide’s old room in the back. Tristan wouldn’t ever let anyone else move into it.” Jesup informed me.

  I nodded without bothering to verbally respond, striding off down the hall to drop our bags. I pulled my phone out to read Joey’s message. When it concerned Adelaide, he was quick as fuck to respond.

  Tell her to hold me with her and to live for you. -Joey

  I sighed, not bothering to respond. I was still pissed about the shit he had pulled with her, but I was forcing myself to shove it aside. It had calmed her – pretty much breathed life back into her because emotionally, she’d been dying in my arms.

  I quickly walked back out into the main area. I walked directly over to Adelaide, and Zyla got up, letting me have her spot. As soon as I sat down, Adelaide leaned against my side for support, and I wrapped an arm around her, pressing my lips to her forehead. I unlocked my phone, showing her Joey’s message. She sighed softly.

  “I’m sorry about what he did.” She said quietly. She cast her eyes down to her lap. “And I’m sorry for allowing him.”

  I tucked my index finger under her chin and tilted her beautiful face up to mine. Leaning down, I softly slid my lips along hers. She released a quiet moan, her body leaning further into mine.

  “He helps you breathe, baby. I might be pissed about what he did, but I can’t hate either of you.” I assured her. “Sometimes, you just need both of us to remind you of who you are.”

  She frowned up at me. “I just need you.” She whispered.

  I shook my head at her. “You need him, too, Darlin’, and that’s okay. He saved your life in numerous ways. I’ll never take that from you, and I’ll always fight to keep him with you.”

  She sniffled, her eyes welling up with tears before she blinked them back. “I love you.” She choked out.

  I smoothed my lips over hers again. “And I love you,” I told her. “With every fucking beat of my heart,” I promised.

  Jesup pulled his phone down from his ear. “That was Joey,” Jesup informed us. “He’s on his way over here.”

  I rolled my eyes as my phone vibrated in my lap.

  I’m coming to help solve this shit. I may not like Tristan, but she deserves justice for this shit happening to him. I need to know that you’ll back me up. -Joey

  As long as it's for her, I’ll back you up in basically anything. -River

  Adelaide’s phone went off in her lap. I watched as she adjusted her legs so that they were bent, her feet on the couch. She adjusted Axel was he was settled against her thighs. Then, she grabbed her phone, unlocking the screen. I glanced over to see Joey’s name at the top of her message screen.

  Brushing my lips to Adelaide’s temple, I looked up at Zyla. “How have you been?” I asked her.

  She shrugged. “Fine, though it’s been a hell of a lot more boring around here without Adelaide to spice things up.” She teased. A small smile tilted my woman’s lips, but I knew it wasn’t because of Zyla.

  She was smiling because Joey was reminding her in his own way to keep him with her while she lived for me.

  Jesup snorted. “Woman, you’re enough for me to handle, and then some.” He informed her, drawing her against his side.

  “Who shot him?” Adelaide asked out of the blue as she stared down at Axel who was laying across her lap, his blue eyes locking on her dark ones.

  “We have an inside problem,” Jesup admitted. I glared at him. Jesus Christ, that would have been nice to know before I brought my woman and my child all the fucking way down here.

  “Fredrick – you should remember him Adelaide – was doing some shit on the side, and he was telling a rival crew what moves Tristan was making. Tristan confronted him about it, and Fredrick shot him, and then he took off. I found Tristan behind the clubhouse – almost found him too late.”

  I tightened my arm around Adelaide’s shoulders as she stiffened, her hands tightening around her phone. I leaned over and brushed my lips with hers. “Live for me,” I whispered. She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Hold him with you.” I coaxed.

  “The hospital was able to bring him back,” Jesup told us, “but he’s on life support, and they don’t think he’s ever going to come back from it. According to the doctor’s, he’s completely unresponsive, Adelaide.”

  Axel reached up and touched Adelaide’s face, and she burst into tears. I pulled her and Axel onto my lap, holding them both to me as she cried. She wound her arms around my neck, her tears wetting my shirt. Everyone was silent as they watched the once angry – almost emotionless – woman sob in my arms.

  A couple of moments later, she looked up at me through red, puffy, tear-filled eyes, making my heart twist at the sight of her looking so shattered.

  “I want him found, and I want him dead.” She snapped at me.

  “We’re doing what we can, Adelaide -” Jesup started.

  “No.” She cut off Jesup. She looked back up at me, and I knew what she was going to say before she said it.

  “You want me to do it,” I stated, more than asked, but she nodded her head in response anyway.

  I pressed my lips to her forehead. “Anything for you, Darlin’,” I told her softly.

  And I meant it.

  If she wanted me to kill the son of a bitch who almost took Tristan out of her life, then I would.

  She leaned her head back in the crook of my neck as she lifted Axel from her legs. My eyes met Jesup’s over his head.

  “You realize this is our club’s problem, right? Not yours.” He reminded me, but he wasn’t rude about it. Merely stating a fact.

  I shrugged. “What Adelaide wants, she gets.” I shrugged. “And be prepared, because Joey will be looking for him, too,” I warned him.

  He nodded once in understanding.



  I held Axel tight to my chest as I walked into Tristan’s hospital room, swallowing hard at the sight of his pale features. He was connected to an oxygen machine, heart monitors, and an IV machine.

  I strode over to his bed, running my eyes over his features. He looked weak – not at all like the strong, dominating man I had known all of my life.

  “Darlin’ . . .” River drawled softly as he stepped into the room. I slowly ripped my eyes from the pale, weak man lying in the hospital bed to look over at River. “The doctor asked me to come to tell you that he needs to run some more brain scans on Tristan.”

  My bottom lip trembled as I fought hard to keep myself composed as I stared back down at Tristan’s still form. “Adelaide?” River asked softly. He stepped closer to me, shadowing me. My fingers shook as I adjusted Axel to one arm and reached out to run my fingers down Tristan’s f
ace. His skin was warm, but with how dead he looked, he might as well had been cold and lifeless.

  “Why him?” I asked, my voice breaking as I spoke.

  River gently grabbed my arm and pulled me around to face him, pulling me into his arms as I clutched Axel tighter against my chest. Tears streamed down my face as River held me in his arms, giving me as much of his strength as he could.

  “I don’t know why it had to be him, Darlin’.” River said quietly, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “Tristan is strong. I think you should give him a chance of surviving before you make any kind of decision on pulling the plug on him.” He told me softly.