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Ruined: An MC Romance Novel (Ruined Series Book 1) Page 17

  I walked out of the back and began mixing drinks, putting them on a tray, and walking over to the table that had ordered them. “Jack and Coke?” I asked, without looking up from my tray to see who my patrons were.

  “Right here.” That man that I dreamed about every night said, his voice low and gruff.

  My eyes snapped up in shock as I dropped the tray of drinks in surprise, my eyes locking on River’s blue ones – the same ones that haunted my dreams every single night. He tilted his head to the side the slightest bit, his eyes running over me sensually. A shiver danced down my spine, my skin flushing beneath his gaze. His eyes darkened to a stormy blue color, his lips tilting up the tiniest bit.

  But he was wearing a cut that clearly said President with Fathers of Mayhem under it.

  He was the owner of the bar.


  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “I’m – I’m so sorry.” I choked out, my heart pounding wildly in my chest.

  I couldn’t believe River was right here in front of me – had been right under my nose for months.

  “Adelaide!” My boss roared, striding over to me. I snapped my wide eyes from River’s to look at him, swallowing hard. Henry was a fucking asshole, and I tried to steer clear of him as much as possible. He was always making passes at me, and since I always shot him down, he’d been getting more aggressive.

  “I’m sorry, River. She’s normally not this dumb and clumsy.” Henry apologized to River.

  “It’s fine.” River grumbled, drawing my eyes back to him. “Take a seat, Darlin’.” He told me, nodding towards the open seat next to him. “Henry, get someone to clean up that mess and bring me another drink, as well as a Watermelon Vodka for Adelaide,” River ordered without removing his eyes from my face.

  Henry nodded, sending me a hateful glare that River either didn’t notice or didn’t bother to pay attention to before he rushed off to go get one of the other girls to remake the drink orders.

  “I didn’t know you were in town, Darlin’.” River drawled, bringing my attention back over to him as I cautiously took a seat beside him.

  “I didn’t know you were the president of another club.” I shot back, feeling a tad bit defensive because trust me, if I’d known he was here, I would have sought him out.

  Now, I was in my shit too deep.

  “Watch your tone, girly.” A guy a couple of years older than me spoke from the other side of the table, drawing my eyes to him.

  He had blonde hair that hung to his shoulders and striking green eyes, his cut reading Vice President. He wasn’t that bad looking, but danger rolled off of him in waves, and it made me edgy and wary of him.

  But if I did anything, I loved playing with danger.

  “Was anyone talking to you?” I snarled at him.

  “Leave her be, Sam.” River commanded. His VP swung his angry eyes to his president. “Adelaide is an old . . . friend of mine.” He stated.

  Friend, my ass. You went balls deep in my pussy over and over and cuddled with me afterward on the garage floor.

  River ran his eyes over me as he reached forward and played with a lock of my brown hair. My pulse jumped. “You gained some weight, Darlin’.” He noted. He let those mesmerizing, blue eyes lock on mine, sucking me into their beautiful depths. “Looks good on you.” He informed me.

  You don’t want to know why, I admitted silently.

  Fucking Hell, how do you tell someone they’re going to be a fucking dad?

  And I knew it was his. I had called Tristan when I had found out, and we’d had a DNA test done.

  It wasn’t Tristan’s, though he offered to support me and the baby anyway. Needless to say, I turned him down flat and sent him back on his way to the Sons of Death.

  “You couldn’t find a better job than serving drunk, sleazy assholes?” River asked me as Natalia began cleaning up my mess on the floor.

  I shrugged at him, my nerves feeling frayed as he continued to play with my hair. “It pays well, and I’m good at making drinks.” I reminded him as Amber came with our drinks.

  Amber set my drink in front of me, and I swallowed hard, knowing I couldn’t have alcohol anymore. Not for another six months, at least – longer if I decided to breastfeed.

  “Not going to drink your drink, Darlin’?” River asked me, his blue eyes intent on the side of my face as I stared at the Vodka in front of me.

  I couldn’t look at him. He would see right through me. I shook my head at him. “Not much of a drinker anymore.” I lied, pushing the glass away from me.

  He gripped my chin and turned me to face him. My bottom lip trembled under his scrutinizing gaze. “You’re nervous.” He stated, running his rough thumb over my cheek, soothing me whether he realized it or not. “Why?”

  “I – I need to get back to work.” I stammered. I jumped up from the table, needing away from him before he uncovered my secret. I wasn’t ready to tell him.

  I wasn’t ready to tell River that he was going to be a father.

  I felt his eyes on me as I rushed back behind the bar, but I did my damnest to avoid his table for the rest of the night.

  ■ ■ ■

  I released a tired, exhausted sigh as I pushed my key into the lock on my apartment door, letting myself in. I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter and strode into my living room, jumping in fright when I saw River sitting on my plain, brown, leather couch, the lamp on beside it, casting his rugged features in a deadly shadow.

  “You nearly gave me a heart attack.” I snapped at him, putting my hand over my heart where it was beating rapidly. I swallowed down nausea. “What are you doing here?” I demanded. Anger. I needed to be angry. “Wait, on second thought, how did you know where I live and how the fuck did you get in my apartment?” I heatedly asked.

  River shrugged and stood up from my couch. “I have access to all of my employee records.” I swallowed nervously. This man was always one step ahead. “And since you were avoiding me all night, I decided this would be the best way to talk to you. You’ve never done well with the element of surprise, Darlin’.” Damn him for knowing me so well. “And your lock is extremely easy to pick, which needs to be changed.” I frowned. I never had to worry about someone breaking in until him. “As for why I’m here, well Darlin’, I wasn’t finished talking to you.” He pulled my ultrasound pictures out of his pocket and tossed them onto the coffee table. I pressed my hand to my belly, tears burning at the backs of my eyes, a lump building in my throat. “Especially not now. We need to talk about this.”

  “River . . .” I started, my voice trembling as tears welled up in my eyes and spilled over onto my cheeks. I stared up at the man in front of me, terrified of his reaction. I hadn’t wanted him to find out this way.

  “Hey, hey.” He soothed. He walked around the coffee table and wrapped his muscular arms around me, his hand on the back of my head, soothing over my hair as he held me to him. “There’s no reason to get upset.” He gently told me. “I’m not going to yell at you.” He promised.

  “How are you not pissed at me right now?” I asked him as I tilted my head back to look up at him.

  He shook his head at me, a frown on his handsome features. “Have you ever really known me to lose my cool with you, Darlin’, even when you do dumb shit?” He asked me. I shook my head. “I’m not Tristan, and I’m not Joey. You need to remember that.”

  “I know,” I whispered as I finally wrapped my arms around him and leaned my forehead on his chest, soaking in everything that was River – his warmth, his strength – fuck, his safety.

  “I missed you, Darlin’.” He admitted softly. I slid my hands under his cut, and his body shuddered against mine. “Shocked the fuck out of me to see you serving drinks in my bar.”

  I laughed softly. “Imagine my shock when I realized you were the owner.” I retorted, feeling much calmer now.

  He shrugged. “When I came back home, my dad gave me the president cut. He was ready to step down – said he always knew I�
��d come back home.”

  “You were a biker baby?” I asked, looking up at him.

  He nodded. “Through and through, Darlin’ – born and raised to be one.”

  I yawned as I rested my head back on his chest. Suddenly, he hooked his arm under my knees, making me shriek in shock and tightly wrap my arms around his neck when he began striding down the hall to my bedroom. “River, what are you doing?!” I exclaimed.

  He laughed softly at my reaction, his chest vibrating against me as he did so. “Taking you to bed so you can get some sleep, Darlin’.”

  I sighed softly, resting my head on his shoulder. “Will you stay?” I asked him quietly.

  “For as long as you’ll let me.” He promised. He laid me on the bed, and then he pushed my shirt up, pressing a tender kiss to my belly. I sobbed at the tender moment, unable to help myself. My pregnancy was making me so fucking emotional.

  River moved over me, his lips molding to mine. I moaned softly, my hands coming up to cup his face. “I never wanted kids, Adelaide, but as long as you’ll let me be here, I’ll be one of the best fucking dads to ever live on this Earth.” He promised.

  I cupped his cheek and pressed my hand over the steady beat of his heart as a small smile pulled at my lips. Joey’s words rang in the back of my head. Let him love you, pretty girl.

  “Stay with me,” I begged River.

  He turned his head and pressed a tender kiss to my palm. “As long as you’ll have me.” He promised.


  My shower was running when I woke up, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee was wafting into my room. My bladder quickly reminded me of why I woke up, and I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. When I looked around, I noticed River’s cut was laying on the foot of the bed, and his phone was still on the charger on my nightstand.

  He’d stayed.

  I got out of bed, striding to my bathroom. I could see River’s muscular frame through the glass, and he turned at the sound of me entering the bathroom. “I have to pee.” I sheepishly admitted when his eyes met mine.

  He stepped out of the shower, leaving the water running. My breath hitched in my throat as I ran my eyes over him, locking on his hard cock. God, how did I already want him so early in the morning?

  A knowing smirk tilted his lips, but he didn’t comment. “Go ahead.” He told me, pressing a kiss to my temple before he stepped out of the bathroom. Once I was finished, I called him back in as I stepped into the shower, sighing as the hot water ran over my tense muscles. God, the water was the perfect temperature.

  This man was perfect for me.

  “Fuck, woman, you’re breathtaking.” River stated gruffly as he drew me against him, leaning down to slant his lips across mine.

  I moaned into the kiss and I ran my hands over his wet body until I grasped his cock in my hand. River growled softly as he shoved my knees apart with his thigh. Then, he slid his fingers along my pussy, dipping inside. I ripped my lips from his, crying out his name.

  He pressed me against the shower wall, lifting me easily as he removed his fingers from me. I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist, moaning as he peppered kisses down my neck. “Fuck, I really want to draw this out—" he started, but I cut him off, grabbing his face in my hands and kissing him hungrily.

  I needed him inside of me.

  Muttering an expletive against my lips, he thrust up into me. “River!” I choked out, throwing my head back against the tiled wall.

  He gripped my wrists and pushed them above my head. Holding my wrists in his large hand, and his other hand gripping my ass, he thrust in and out of me hard, his lips trailing kisses over every part of my body that he could reach.

  I swear, when I came, I saw fucking stars.

  ■ ■ ■

  I snatched my phone off the counter next to where I was sitting at my bar eating a bowl of sugary cereal. Henry’s name popped up on the screen. I sighed, knowing he was calling me in to cover someone’s shift. It was the only reason he ever called me. “Yes?” I asked when I answered, putting it on speaker as River set a cup of decaf coffee in front of me.

  I shot him a thankful smile. He leaned down and softly kissed me in response.

  “I know tonight is your night off, but one of the dancers called out. I need you to fill in.” Henry informed me as River leaned back against the kitchen counter near my sink.

  “Out of the fucking question.” River snarled, alerting Henry to his presence. I swung my alarmed eyes to River’s. I did not leave Tristan’s club just to have my moves dictated by another man. “The only thing Adelaide will do at that bar is serve drinks. Find another dancer.” He ordered.

  “River, I don’t have any other dancers -” Henry started, but River cut him off, his voice cold and full of authority.

  “Are you fucking arguing with me right now?” River barked, making me swallow at the rage that spilled into his voice. He reached over and trailed his fingers over my cheek, soothing me, his eyes soft as they locked with mine.

  “No, Prez.” Henry quickly answered. “I’ll find another dancer.”

  Henry hung up, and I looked up at River. “Was that necessary?” I asked him. “I could have used the extra money.”

  River leaned back against the kitchen counter again, taking a sip from his coffee. “You won’t be dancing, Adelaide.” He simply stated, as if that solved everything. I gritted my teeth. I was my own woman, and I was so sick of men dictating my fucking moves. “You’re lucky that I’m letting you continue to serve drinks at that bar, but I understand your need for independence, so I’m not stopping you.” Some of the fight left me at his words. “Dancing for a bunch of sleazy assholes is where I draw the line, though. And if you need extra money, that’s what I’m here for. You’re not alone anymore, Darlin’.” He reminded me.

  My heart warmed at his words.

  He understood me. I hadn’t been understood in a long fucking time.

  A knock sounded on my front door, and River set his coffee down, moving to answer it. He came into the kitchen a moment later with his VP, Sam – the asshole from last night. “Sons of Death has finally gotten back with me,” Sam informed River, making me jerk my eyes up from my bowl of cereal. My heart pounded hard in my chest at the thought of having to face Tristan again. I couldn’t take the broken, betrayed expression in his eyes. It cut me deep. I knew I’d hurt him, but dammit, he’d hurt me numerous times, too.

  “Tristan refuses to work with us, but Troy doesn’t mind,” Sam informed River. I grunted. River chuckled, knowing Troy and I always tended to butt heads. “He wants to set up an exchange three days from now.”

  River nodded. “Set up a time and location and get back with me on it.” River told him.

  “Already did,” Sam informed him. “At the bar in a few days.”

  River looked over at me for a second before he nodded. “That works. I’ll have Adelaide serve our table that night.” River smirked at me. “Try not to drop the tray this time.” He teased.

  I scowled, making him chuckle. He leaned over and brushed his lips with mine. “Finish your breakfast, Darlin’.”

  ■ ■ ■

  “Hey, baby doll, bring your pretty little ass over here and get me a beer!” A man shouted through the loud noise of the bar, making me scowl at him as I snatched a beer from the cooler behind me and popped the top off for him.

  I slammed the beer in front of him with a disgusted look his way. I fucking hated it when men gave me little pet names. The shit pissed me off.

  Henry grabbed my arm and yanked me around to face him. “Kill the attitude with the customers.” He snapped down at me.

  “Get your fucking hands off of me.” I seethed, glaring up at him, my hands clenched at my sides.

  “Adelaide, table twenty-two is asking for you,” Amber told me, her eyes nervously flickering between me and Henry.

  Henry roughly shoved me away from him, and I caught myself before I collided with the counter, glaring at his back as he disappe
ared through the door that led to the back of the restaurant.

  God, I fucking hated him.

  Clenching my jaw, I walked over to table twenty-two, my eyes meeting River’s as I approached. He ran his eyes over me, his eyes darkening at the red, hand-shaped mark on my arm from where Henry had grabbed me. He gently pulled me towards him. “Who the fuck put their hands on you?” He demanded to know.

  “It was no one,” I told him softly, not wanting to cause shit within his club. Henry and I had never seen eye to eye. The only reason he hired me in the first place was because I knew the drinks, so I didn’t need training, and I was a good dancer.