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Ruined: An MC Romance Novel (Ruined Series Book 1) Page 12

  “What the fuck?!” He roared, jumping up from the barstool, sending it clattering loudly to the floor.

  “There’s your fucking drink.” I snapped at him.

  “What the fuck is going on here?!” Tristan roared as he walked up.

  I glared at Jesup. “Get your fuckard of a VP out of my goddamn face.” I snapped at him before I turned and pushed through the kitchen door where Zyla had disappeared to.

  I found her sitting in the corner near the fridge, her knees pulled up to her chest, sobbing into her hands.

  “He hates me.” She cried when she looked up at me.

  “Come on,” I told her gently, helping her up off the floor. “I think you need a good, stiff drink and to forget about what a cunt Jesup is.”

  I led her back out behind the bar, and I poured her a glass of Jack and Coke. “Liquor doesn’t fix anything, but it sure as hell makes you feel better for a little while,” I told her as I handed her the glass. How many times had I lost myself in a bottle to forget about all of the bad shit in my life for a while?

  Her phone went off in her pocket, and she pulled it out, her face paling to a sickly white color. She jerked her eyes up to mine, fear like no other covering her features. “He’s out.” She whispered in horror.

  I snatched her phone from her, answering it for her, a twisted, cruel smile playing on my lips. “Where are you, Zy?” Rodney asked as soon as I put the phone up to my ear.

  “Zy.” I hummed. “I’ve never been called that. I think it fits me.” I said, my smirk widening when Rodney made an annoyed sound in the back of his throat.

  “Adelaide Berkeley.” Rodney snarled.

  My smirk widened. “The one and only.” I sang. “How can I help you, Rodney boy?”

  He growled. He had always hated that damn name, and I lived to piss off my enemies. “Where the fuck is Zyla?” He snarled.

  “She’s currently naked in my bed,” I told him. Zyla’s eyes widened at me, fear flashing in their depths. I knew Rodney was practically steaming, and I was enjoying every second of playing with him. “I always did have a thing for her,” I told him.

  “You fucking bitch!” He roared.

  Pointers for me for knowing that Rodney was possessive as fuck when it came to Zyla.

  I tsked. “That’s not very nice, Rodney boy.” I teased as I leaned against the counter.

  “You tell that traitorous bitch that she has two hours to get back to my house with all six million of my cash, or I will destroy everyone she holds dear.”

  I let out a low whistle as I arched my eyebrows at Zyla, a proud smile playing on my lips afterward. The girl had robbed Rodney. Six million in fucking cash was a goddamn lot of money.

  I snorted. “Sorry, Rodney boy. I can’t relay that message since she’s actually already on her way somewhere overseas, very far away from you. She left me her phone so that you couldn’t track her. Good luck getting all of that money back.” I taunted. “She’s long fucking gone.”

  He released a snarl. “I always fucking hated you, Adelaide.” He sneered. I laughed. “You better hope dear old Joey knows how to keep a leash on you because the moment I get my fucking hands on you, you are dead.” He snarled. “I’m going to fuck you in every position, and I’m going to enjoy listening to you as you beg me to stop before I slit your throat.”

  My blood chilled in my veins as the line went dead. I set Zyla’s phone on the counter. “That went well,” I commented dryly.

  Zyla’s eyes flickered over my shoulder, and she paled even further. I turned around to see what she was looking at and cursed. Tristan’s eyes were blazing with fury. He pointed at both of us. “Chapel – now.” He snarled.

  I blew out a harsh breath and followed him inside the chapel. Jesup and Joey were already in the room, both of them sitting at the table. Joey’s eyes were cold and flat. I clenched my jaw, knowing this was about to be a fucking fight. “Sit the hell down.” Joey snarled at me.

  I placed my hands on my hips, tilting my chin up at him defiantly. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” I snapped at him.

  Despite his injuries, he jumped up from his chair, slamming his hands down onto the table as if he weren’t hurt. I saw Zyla jump in her seat, but I just arched an eyebrow at him, staying on my feet. None of the men in this room scared me. “The father of the fucking kid you just put in danger.” He snarled at me. I narrowed my eyes at him in my deadliest glare. “So, sit the fuck down.”

  “Now.” Tristan breathed in my ear, his tone not allowing any room for argument.

  With a harsh glare at both of the men, I sat down in a random chair, crossing my arms over my chest. Joey sat back down in his seat, his eyes steady on mine, knowing how I could get. “Want to fucking explain to us why you just had a conversation with Rodney Hill?” Joey snapped at me. “How many times do I have to fucking tell you that man isn’t one to be fucked with, Adelaide?”

  I sneered at him. “Numerous times, apparently.” I snarled, wanting to piss him off further.

  Tristan slammed his hand on the table. I swung my angry gaze to him. “Enough!” He roared, jabbing a finger in my direction. I sneered at him. “One of you better start fucking explaining yourselves.” He ordered as he looked between me and Zyla.

  “My question is,” Jesup stated, his voice eerily calm – the calm before the storm, “is why the fuck he was calling your phone, Zyla.”

  “He didn’t -” she started, but Jesup slammed her phone on the table so hard that it shattered the screen. Tristan must have grabbed it while we were walking towards the chapel.

  Zyla flinched, swallowing hard.

  “One more fucking lie, Zyla.” He warned.

  I looked over at her. “Zyla, if you don’t want to tell them anything, you don’t have to,” I assured her. “You left the club. You don’t owe anyone at this table an explanation.”

  Jesup jumped up from his chair, sending it flying against the wall behind him. Joey jumped as well, pressing a hand to Jesup’s chest, a warning for him to stand the fuck down.

  “For once, shut your fucking mouth, Adelaide!” Tristan roared at me.

  I jumped up from my chair as well, glaring down at Tristan. “You want to fucking know why the fuck I was talking to Rodney?” I snarled at him. He stood up from his chair, glaring down at me, but I wasn’t intimidated by him. “I’m doing what Jesup failed to fucking do. I’m protecting Zyla.”

  I stormed over to the door, but Tristan beat me to it, blocking my exit. I glared up at him. “You are not walking out of this fucking room until one of you explains every fucking thing that’s been going on.” He snarled down at me. “Fucking try me, Addy.” He warned when I sneered up at him.

  “Or what, Tristan?” I angrily demanded. “Are you going to fuck me into submission?” I taunted. “I doubt I’d even enjoy it.”

  His features twisted, revealing the monster Tristan had grown into. I bristled, but I didn’t stand down. “Don’t fucking test me, Adelaide.” He quietly warned.

  I roughly jabbed a finger into his chest. “No, you don’t fucking test me.” I sneered up at him. “I’ve had it with you, and I’ve especially had it with this overbearing bullshit.”

  “Adelaide, just sit the fuck down,” Joey spoke up, his voice a bit calmer, knowing I was almost past the point of reasoning.

  I glared at him, the words falling from my lips before I could stop them. I knew it was only my anger talking, but I was past the point of giving a fuck. Had it been just Zyla talking on the phone to Rodney, they wouldn’t have given two shits. Joey had no reason to give a fuck, so I couldn’t fault him for that. But Jesup? Tristan? They should have cared about why Rodney was contacting Zyla. The only reason they were concerned was because I had talked to him, and that shit pissed me clean the fuck off.

  “I wish you had stayed dead.” I snarled at Joey. He looked like I had slapped him. He clenched his jaw, anger flaring up in his eyes. I glared up at Tristan. “And you and me? We’re fucking done, Tristan. Your p
riorities are fucked up, and I’m done with you and this entire fucking club. Now move the fuck out of my way.”

  He glared back down at me. “No.” He snapped.

  I snatched his gun from him when he wasn’t expecting it, pointing it at him. His eyes flashed with shock for a split second before he smothered it. “Move the fuck out of my way, Tristan,” I told him. “Now, or I swear, I will pull this fucking trigger and move you myself.”

  “Let her go,” Joey spoke up. Tristan didn’t remove his eyes from mine. “Trust me, man. She just needs to cool off. She’s way past the point of reasoning right now. She just needs a little bit.”

  With a clenched jaw, Tristan moved out of my way, and I stormed out of the clubhouse. I slung his gun on the floor as I did so, making numerous girls scream in fear.

  And honestly, I had every intention of coming back into the clubhouse in a little bit with a more level head, but fate – cruel, twisted fate – had other plans for me.



  I frowned at my phone screen when I saw Adelaide’s name flash across the top. I only had her number and vice versa in cases of emergencies only.

  A bad feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I’d been doing my damnest to protect her without drawing too much attention to what I was doing without my president’s orders, but the woman had a knack for getting into some shitty situations. It honestly had to be some kind of fucking talent she had.

  I had been attracted to Adelaide ever since she popped back up at the clubhouse after all of these damn years. The woman was full of fire – full of life – and she didn’t take any shit from anyone. She had an air around her that instantly drew your attention to her when she stepped into a room.

  She would make a hell of a good old lady one day. I was just biding my time until I could make my move. No matter how long it took.

  Because I could be a patient man for the right things.

  And Adelaide? She was someone you were patient for – something Tristan didn’t understand, though I could tell that Joey kind of understood her. He was trying, but he couldn’t seem to get it right yet.

  You learned a lot by standing on the outside looking in.

  “Adelaide?” I asked. “Darlin’, what’s wrong?”

  “Help.” She whispered. “River,” she whimpered, “everything hurts.”

  I stood up from my couch, moving towards my apartment door. I wasn’t much of a partier – never had been. So, when the club started getting rowdy earlier, I came home to come to drink a beer in the silence of my apartment.

  “Darlin’, where are you?” I asked her. “Can you tell me where you are?”

  Her breathing was shallow. Fear for her safety pulsed through my veins, but I locked it away, focusing on finding her. “I don’t know.” She whimpered. I heard something hitting her phone. “My location is on.” She told me, her voice fading in and out. “River, find me.” She begged.

  The line went dead. Rage soared through my veins, and I vowed to get justice for her. I would slaughter whoever the fuck put their hands on her.

  Darlin’, I’m coming. Just hold on for me.

  ■ ■ ■


  I looked down at the bar as my phone vibrated beside my elbow, showing a call from the hospital. A bad feeling spread through my gut, and I answered the call quickly, praying it had nothing to do with Adelaide, though my gut was telling me otherwise.

  “Tristan Groves.”

  “Um, Grim, Adelaide was just rushed into surgery.” River informed me, his voice cold. River was a damn good club member, but sometimes, I worried where River’s loyalties actually lied. But I knew if I needed him to do something, he would – no questions asked. He was a cold-blooded kind of man. I wasn’t even sure if he really had human emotions.

  And as stupid as it was of me, it didn’t even occur to me to ask him why and how he knew Adelaide was being rushed into surgery.

  “Fuck!” I roared, hanging up the phone, panic gripping my heart. I pointed my finger at Joey. “Had you just fucking let me handle her, she’d fucking be here safe and sound.” I snarled, pulling my bike keys out of my pocket.

  “What the fuck happened?” Joey demanded to know as he got up off of the couch with a pain-filled grunt.

  “Adelaide is in the hospital.” I snarled, running out of the door, not giving a fuck if he decided to follow me or not.

  Addy, baby, I’m so sorry that I keep fucking up with you.

  ■ ■ ■

  I stared at the doctor, barely hearing him through the blood pounding in my ears. River was gone by the time I got to the hospital, but he’d been proactive enough to inform the front desk that Joey and I would be coming to the hospital, and we were in charge of her care.

  Adelaide had been beaten to within an inch of her life.

  She had multiple stab wounds in her lower abdomen.

  There were signs of being strangled.

  She lost the baby.

  She was raped – most likely numerous times.

  The doctor’s words: “she’s extremely lucky to still be alive.”

  “Grim,” Dink called, coming over to me with his laptop. “I found this.”

  He showed me a video. “Got this from one of the traffic cameras.” He told me.

  The video showed Adelaide being thrown out by a dumpster, her phone tossed out beside her. She hit the ground unconscious. There were no markings or plates on the van.

  “Fuck.” I snarled, running my hands through my hair. We had no way of knowing who the fuck did this to her, but something in my gut told me it might be Vin.

  Joey came out of the back from visiting Adelaide. When she had been released from surgery, he was the first person back there to see her.

  His jaw was clenched, and he looked murderous – like the cold-blooded killer people said Joey really was. “She’s asking for you,” Joey told me.

  I shook my head at him. “I can’t go see her right now,” I told him, guilt swirling in my gut. “Not knowing that I fucking let her walk out like that – that I’m part of the reason she’s in this goddamn situation.”

  Joey shook his head at me, anger flashing in his eyes. “Man, if you don’t go see her, I think it’s going to send her toppling over the edge. She doesn’t even give a shit that she’s lost a baby, Tristan. She’s at the point of breaking completely, and I don’t want to see her become that kind of monster. Don’t be selfish. Fucking go see her.”

  “She won’t,” I told him, getting up from my chair, ignoring the last part of what he had said.

  Joey glared at me. “Then you don’t know that woman at all. She’s destructive, Tristan, and right now, she’s on the verge of shutting it all off.” He shook his head.

  I ignored him. Adelaide wasn’t that kind of woman. I just needed a few hours to come to terms with what the fuck had happened – what I had failed to protect her from – then, I would go see her.

  ■ ■ ■

  I’d never felt more like an idiot in my life.

  I should have just fucking listened to Joey, swallowed my guilt, and went to go see her.

  She fucking disappeared.

  I stood with Jesup and Joey as we listened to the doctor. “She left sometime in the middle of the night.” He informed us. “I don’t know how the hell she managed to walk out, but she’s gone. With her kind of injuries, she shouldn’t have even been able to move off of the bed. I have no idea how she slipped past the nurses on duty, either. Security footage doesn’t show anything. She was by herself.”

  I swallowed hard. Joey chuckled, but it was humorless. He shook his head. “I fucking told you, man.” He laughed again. “I fucking told you!” He shouted.

  Then, his fist connected with my jaw, knocking me off my feet. He was dragged into cuffs, but he only grinned at me, looking slightly like a maniac – like a man possessed.

  “I created that monster to keep her from dying, Tristan.” I spit out blood on the floor. “You should have fucking
just listened to me, and she’d still be here.” He snarled at me before he was dragged away by the officer.

  I fucked up.

  Adelaide was gone, and this time, no one knew where the fuck she’d gone.

  Addy, baby, I’m so, so fucking sorry.

  She had done exactly what Joey said she would do.

  She had shut it all off, and she had left.


  I walked into the bar where Vin had set up our next exchange. A year had gone by since Adelaide had left, and it was like she’d disappeared off of the face of the Earth. There was no fucking trace of her anywhere. Honestly, if we couldn’t still find proof of her driver’s license and social security number, it would have been like she’d never existed.