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Ruined: An MC Romance Novel (Ruined Series Book 1) Page 10

  And then I saw why.

  There were burning boards all around her, blocking any escape route she could have taken. She was passed out on the floor, but I knew she wasn’t going to last much longer if I didn’t figure out how to get her the fuck out of there.

  Whoever had set up that explosion had done it perfectly. It kept Adelaide from being saved.

  And something in my gut told me that was the plan all along. Someone wanted to shut Addy up.

  “Troy, I need help!” I roared.

  I heard him behind me a moment later, and he cursed. “What’s the plan?” He asked me as he looked around the burning building, trying to find a way to her.

  “We’ve got to get one of these boards out of the way,” I told him, the panic in my mind making it extremely hard to think straight. All I knew was that I fucking needed to get to her before it was too late.

  He nodded in understanding.

  Fucking hell, please let her be okay.

  I couldn’t lose her.

  “Help is here!” Jesup roared into the burning building.

  I was conflicted. I knew the firefighters could get her out, but I couldn’t bring myself to move – to leave her here by herself.

  Troy grabbed my arm when he realized that I wasn’t making any plans to move. “I know you want to get her out, but you’ve got to let the firemen do what they can.” He told me. “We’re only going to be in their way. She’ll be alright, man.” He tried assuring me.

  But I wouldn’t feel better until she was back in my arms and out of danger.

  Troy managed to get me out of the building, and a couple of minutes later, one of the firemen strode out, carrying Addy in his arms. I instantly rushed forward. “Give her here,” I commanded.

  “Sir, she needs help—"

  “And she’ll get fucking help!” I roared at him, finally losing my fucking cool. “Give my fucking woman here so I can take her over to the fucking paramedic!”

  Without another word, he handed her over to me, and I strode over to the ambulance, pressing kisses to her sooty forehead as I did so. Her breaths were shallow, and I knew if she’d been in there any longer, she’d have died.

  I almost lost her.

  “Sir, we have to take her to the hospital to get her proper help.” The paramedic informed me as he listened to her breathing. “Her lungs are filled with too much smoke. Do you want to ride with her?” He asked me.

  I nodded, jumping into the back of the ambulance, sitting beside her head as they hooked her to an oxygen mask. I knew Jesup could take care of everything. It was one of the reasons he was my VP. There was no way in fuck I was leaving her side unless a doctor ordered me to.

  “Is there anything we should inform the hospital of?” The paramedic asked me as he began to check her vitals.

  “She’s pregnant,” I informed him as I brushed my fingertips over her cheek.

  Please, just let her be okay.

  I couldn’t lose her, too.

  ■ ■ ■


  I coughed, pain gripping my chest as I came awake. I ripped my eyes open, squinting them at the bright light in the hospital room. Tristan was passed out in the chair next to me, his hand wrapped loosely around my own with his head resting on the bed. Jesup was passed out on another chair on the other side of my room, the hood of his black jacket thrown up over his head, soft snores sounding from his lips.

  Both of the men were covered in soot, and they looked exhausted as hell. I pulled the oxygen tubes from my nose and winced at the beeping sound that instantly filled the room, jerking both men from their sleep.

  Tristan snapped his head over to look at me, a relieved smile stretching his lips as his eyes landed on my open, tired eyes. God, he looked like he’d been through hell and back.

  “You’re awake.” He breathed.

  A nurse burst into my room before I could nod my head at him, and she blew out a relieved breath when she realized that I was awake. “Good to see you’re awake, Miss Berkeley. I’ll let your doctor know.” She informed me as she turned off the machine that was beeping before she strode back out of the room in search of my doctor.

  “How are you feeling?” Tristan softly asked me as he gently ran his thumb over my cheek.

  “Tired,” I admitted a bit hoarsely, leaning my face into his hand as I closed my eyes again. “What happened?”

  “You passed out after inhaling too much smoke,” Tristan informed me. I grunted. That would explain why my chest and throat hurt so damn bad. “I tried to get to you, but I couldn’t.” He sounded guilty as fuck. I looked up at him. He swallowed thickly. “The firefighter got to you just in time.”

  I sighed softly. “It was Vin,” I told him quietly. “It had to be. No one else makes sense.”

  I felt his hand tense on my cheek, and I slowly opened my eyes to look up at him. His eyes were blazing with fury, and his jaw was clenched tightly. “How do you know?” He asked me, his tone quiet but terse.

  “I got a text right before the place exploded. It said ‘time’s ticking, gorgeous’. Besides Jessie, Vin is the only one to call me gorgeous, and he only does it in threatening messages.”

  “Fucking hell.” Tristan cursed right before someone knocked on the door – most likely my doctor. “Come in!” Tristan called, stepping back from me as a doctor stepped into the room.

  The doctor gave me a warm smile as he moved over to my bed. “How are you feeling, Adelaide?” He asked me.

  I shrugged. “Kind of burns when I breathe, and I’m still really tired,” I informed him.

  He nodded. “That’s to be expected. I want to keep you here tonight to observe you since you are pregnant, and we’ll see how everything looks tomorrow.” I sighed. I hated hospitals. “I did an ultrasound while you were passed out.” He informed me. I looked up at him expectantly. “The baby seems fine as of right now, but if you begin to notice anything that seems the tiniest bit abnormal, hit the button for the nurse.” He told me sternly.

  I nodded in understanding. He smiled. “Let us know if you need anything.” He instructed before he left the room.

  Tristan turned to Jesup. “Call River and Tank. I want them outside of this hospital room door. No one gets in this room besides you and me, the doctor, and her nurse on duty.” Jesup nodded, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Tell Dray and Wren that I want them on surveillance around this hospital, and one of them is to keep an eye on this hospital room window at all times. I’m not taking any more fucking chances. Not a goddamn soul comes near her without first being approved by one of the club men.”

  “Got it,” Jesup told him, pulling his phone to his ear.

  I looked up at Tristan. He looked exhausted and stressed, but under all of that, I saw how worried he was that he wouldn’t be able to properly protect me from Vin. I grabbed his hand in mine and tugged him closer to the bed. “Lay with me,” I told him softly, giving him a small smile.

  It was dangerous as fuck to want to be close with him like this, but I needed his comfort. Too much shit was happening back to back lately, and my rock was gone.

  With a soft sigh, he kicked his boots off and laid on the bed beside me, pulling me into his arms without a single complaint. I sighed softly in contentment, nuzzling closer to him as I began to drift off to peaceful oblivion again.

  My mind slid to Joey, and I frowned for a moment.

  Somehow, Joey, I know you’re looking over me.

  He always had – somehow, someway – Joey always found some way to protect me.

  I just wish he were physically with me.

  I wanted him – just him. I covered my belly with my hand, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

  Joey, baby, why?


  I absentmindedly tapped my fingers on the bar, listening to the sounds of the construction crew finishing up the rebuilding of the part of the clubhouse that had burnt. Tristan was holding church, and the club girls were most likely still passed out in their rooms aft
er the party that was held last night in celebration of my coming home from the hospital.

  Zyla came out of the back, fully dressed and showered, her hair done perfectly, her make-up on point – just like she always used to be. She was Jesup’s ex, and she had taken off with another man who had more money a few years ago. I honestly wasn’t shocked to see her back here. Besides, we all went through our own shit. I wasn’t one to judge.

  “Good morning.” She chirped.

  I tiredly ran a hand down my face. “I wish it was,” I grumbled. “I’m exhausted. I’ve been up since two this morning with morning sickness.” I admitted to her.

  She gave me a sad smile, pain flashing in her eyes for a moment before she smothered it. “Shit sucks, doesn’t it?” She asked me.

  I cocked my head to the side, my curiosity piqued. “You ever been pregnant before?” I bluntly asked her.

  She swallowed hard, looking down at the bar as she picked up a random glass and began to wipe it down, removing fingerprints and watermarks. “Once upon a time.” She informed me, leaving it at that.

  Before I could respond, a loud bang on the clubhouse doors drew my attention, and Zyla and I both looked at each other before I grabbed my gun from the small of my back. I slid off my barstool and moved towards the door. River motioned me to stand down, his blue eyes warning me to heed his order. With gritted teeth, I stood back, watching as he shoved the door open, his gun drawn in front of him.

  I gasped when I looked down at the body lying in front of the door. Joey was laying on the concrete, his face bloody and beaten.

  “Joey!” I screamed, not bothering to question how the fuck someone who was supposed to be dead was currently laying on the ground in front of me.

  Joey was here.

  I set my gun down on a random table and looked over to Zyla who was staring with wide, shocked eyes at the man lying at my feet. River crouched down next to Joey, pressing his fingers to his neck for a pulse. “Get Tristan!” I barked at Zyla as I grabbed Joey under his arms and dragged him into the clubhouse, not waiting on River to help me.

  Joey was alive.

  He was fucking alive and here – with me.

  The doors to the chapel flew open, and Tristan rushed out with Jesup hot on his heels. “Zyla, get me a first aid kit,” I ordered as I sat on the floor, placing Joey’s head in my lap, unable to pull his heavy body any further. I noticed River slip out the clubhouse doors, most likely to go check the grounds and the surrounding area for anyone else.

  “Joey, can you hear me?” I asked him, my hands shaking as I ran them over his body, tears clogging my throat and burning at the backs of my eyes.

  Nothing. Not a sound.

  My heart constricted in my chest.

  “Tank, Dirk – go with River to check the grounds,” Tristan instructed the two men. Tristan placed a hand on my shoulder, dragging my tearful eyes up to his. “Let me and Jesup get him on the couch, Addy. It’ll be more comfortable for both of you.”

  I nodded. Tristan and Jesup lifted him from the floor, and I watched as they carried him across the room to the couch. I quickly sat down on the worn furniture, placing Joey’s head back in my lap as Zyla brought me a first aid kit. I began cleaning up his face, grimacing at the deep cuts.

  Someone wanted to hurt him – not kill him. They wanted to send a clear message.

  “Jessie . . .” Joey grumbled a moment later.

  “Joey, what’s wrong?” I gently asked as I ran my fingers through his soft, dark-blond hair.

  “Adelaide, get Jessie.” He grumbled, his eyes slitting open to look up at me. I knew he was telling me because he trusted me to save her – trusted me more than he trusted his own men.

  I looked up at Tristan, hoping he heard Joey’s command. I couldn’t bring myself to leave Joey’s side – not after getting him back so soon. It was selfish of me, but I didn’t care.

  I wasn’t leaving him.

  Tristan nodded once at me. Pain flashed in his eyes for a moment before he smothered it. I swallowed thickly. I knew he hated seeing me with Joey like this, but I couldn’t – would never – turn my back on Joey.

  “Hey, man, we’re on it. Do you know where she’s at?” Tristan asked him.

  “With Charles,” Joey mumbled, beginning to pass back out.

  I looked back up at Tristan. “Go,” I told him. “Tank and River will hold everything down here,” I assured him.

  Tristan leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Pain lanced through my chest as I kissed him all while my fingers momentarily tightened on Joey. Now that Joey was back with me, it felt wrong – like I was betraying the man who had saved my life three years ago. “Call me if anything happens,” Tristan instructed.

  With that, he and Jesup strode out of the door before I could respond.

  I looked down at Joey. Cupping his face in my hands, I leaned down and brushed my lips with his, not giving a fuck who was in the room and witnessing it.

  “Thank you for coming back to me,” I whispered.

  Joey slowly brought his hand up and laced his fingers in my hair, deepening the kiss for a moment. My heart swelled in my chest, and tears spilled down my cheeks as I eagerly kissed him back, so fucking happy that he was back with me where he belonged.

  “I’ll always come home to you, pretty girl.” He rasped.

  His eyes shut again, darkness pulling him back under.

  ■ ■ ■


  Jessie slid off the back of my bike, wincing in pain as she did so. She was beaten pretty badly. Charles had fucked her up badly. When we got to the Sons of Hell clubhouse, it had been vacant, but I’d found Jessie tied up in the basement, bloody, beaten, and naked.

  Honestly, had Joey not come to Adelaide for help, Jessie might have died there.

  And the woman had no idea that her brother was still very much alive. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if she was aware that she was still alive. Jessie was basically a shell of herself.

  But hell, none of us had known Joey was alive. If any of us had known, it would have saved Adelaide all of the pain she had gone through.

  It had killed a part of her to think that Joey was dead.

  When she had dragged him into the clubhouse, her beautiful, dark eyes had lit up with a true fire – a fighting fire – something I was beginning to realize only Joey could bring out in her.

  I was beginning to wonder if he had become the other half of her soul.

  And that shit cut me deep.

  “How did you know where I was?” Jessie asked me as we strode towards my clubhouse.

  “Your brother,” I informed her. She swung her wide, shocked eyes to mine. I released a quiet sigh. “He’s alive, Jessie. He came to Adelaide for help.”

  “How is he alive?” She choked out, disbelief coating her voice.

  I shrugged at her. “I don’t know,” I told her honestly. “He only woke up long enough to inform me and Adelaide of where you were.”

  I strode into the clubhouse, my eyes instantly landing on Adelaide, who was still sitting on the couch. She was talking to Joey. He looked to be mostly awake, but he looked exhausted and in a shit ton of pain. He had taken a hell of a beating, that was for sure.

  “Joey!” Jessie exclaimed.

  Joey jerked his head up to look at his twin. “Fucking shit, he fucked you up good.” He breathed as he pushed himself up off the couch with a pain-filled grimace, opening his arms up to his sister.

  “I’ll be fine.” She choked out as she wrapped her arms around him.

  I walked over to Adelaide. “How are you feeling, Addy?” I gently asked her, knowing her morning sickness was beginning to seriously kick her ass. Instead of it being only in the morning, it was becoming a fucking all-day thing.

  She leaned her head back against the back of the couch, a tired, weary look in her dark eyes. “Exhausted.” She admitted, her tiredness seeping into her voice.

  I knelt in front of her, running my hands over her jean-clad thighs. Her eyes fli
ckered towards Joey for a moment, but she didn’t push me away, for which I was relieved. “Have you eaten anything yet?” I asked her.

  She nodded. “I just threw it up right back up, though.” She admitted to me. I frowned at her. “My stomach has been upset since two this morning.” She reminded me, as if I could forget spending half the night sitting in the bathroom with her.

  “You need to rest,” Joey said to her. “You always had a problem with resting to get better.”